
Ways of Seeing

While reading “Ways of Seeing” I was able to relate to the section tackling the way men and women see one another and themselves. Berger implies men are the surveyors and women are the surveyed, and in turn women must survey themselves as men survey them. In my mind I was saying, “yes, yes, yes” to the small text and obvious script, is was something I had always known to be true, only worded so well. I had constant flashes of advertisements, movies, magazines, television, and personal history going through my head, validating Berger’s words.

I purchased three magazines for this assignment and had expectations from each to further convince me of what I knew to be true, which they did; however, I discovered other things in addition to my expectations. There were advertisements of scantily clad women, with backs arched and waiting for the male gaze to ravish their bodies, and it was apparent the sex appeal of this beautiful women was selling the product, pushing men to the outskirts of their imagination. Then it hit me, this magazine is directed toward women, and suddenly this woman had her back arched for me, demonstrating the sex appeal I could have if I was dressed as she was dressed. I unexpectedly felt as accountable as the male viewer I had been resenting for endorsing this behavior. This woman is beautiful; however, she is no longer a woman, but a commodity to both males and females.

Advertisers know their audience, and try to build a lifestyle their audience would accept. Women want to be desired, but this does not mean they want to give up their identity in the process. The previous advertisement discussed demonstrates a woman as a sexual object through the male gaze, but in turn women have to view this woman as an object; we have to observe not only ourselves through their eyes but other woman as well. Being aware of this forces women to make a choice, to be viewed as merely an object or insist men see more. One add by Banana Republic shows a beautiful female playing the piano, giving the viewer more information than just a beautiful face, giving us a glimpse of her soul, and it is difficult to immediately defile someone when you are aware they are a person.

The thing that surprised me was the objectification of men; they are put on the same pages as woman and are there as a visual stimulant, providing sex appeal for the product once again. Men are displayed for feminine desire; however, we do not need to see a man with his shirt off to know he is attractive. A little scruff, and hands tucked nonchalantly in his pockets is enough for the female viewer. The male’s magazine also had more text and political references mixed in with relatively appropriate images, bringing us to a combination of both a male and female audience; such as, Times or People Magazine, attempting to keep a level of class.