
Contact Improvisation

We did not speak today, and I believe that created a melancholy in the room. It took me a moment to gather my thoughts into my body, and then releasing them to my toes, stretching out anything holding me back from letting my body move the way it would like. For a moment I was stubborn, letting a few others pass by my radius without allowing contact, but my mind was warming up to the idea. I wanted my body to stretch and find its self some more, a tensioned peace seeping through my limbs, I felt apprehensive in making contact with someone, my body still deciding if it actually wanted to make a connection today. I am not sure how long it would have taken if Nancy would not have made the first contact. I felt her presence near my own, and then we were moving together, allowing our weight to bear into one another, and yielding to each other as we moved. I believe I get nervous sometimes, in the transition of making contact, knowing somehow we will part in the end. I find this odd because once it happens, and we do part, I let go and the movement take us where it wants, to something else that interests us.  

What is contact improvisation? from kreativsport on Vimeo.

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