She was so awkward, and her words were getting twisted in her mouth. she used to be so good at flirting, now she felt like that seagull who foolishly ate a piece of bubblegum and only to realize it's impending death if it did not spit it out soon. The seagull just looked silly in its squawking fit of shock.
in a similar situation...
Brandon: Jordan, have you hugged Aaron before? He gives amazing hugs!
What Jordan meant to say: Yeah, I could imagine that!
What Jordan actually said: Yeah, I have totally imagined that!!
(The entire table falls silent, and Jo blushes)
Brandon: Aaron I really like your sweater.
What Jordan meant to say: Yeah, I have been meaning to tell you that all night as well.
What Jordan actually said: Yeah, I have been thinking about it
all night!
(Once again, the table falls silent unable to shake this comment off as quickly as the last one. Jo blushes an even deeper red, and sheepishly drinks from her hot cocoa mug, only to find people still starring at her when she raises her head. Jo (still blushing) tries to laugh and someone points out her whipped cream mustache she was unaware of due to her diverted attention to her own embarrassment).
Jordan could only hope her word vomit might be mistaken for genuine sincerity with a dash of cute.
(Aaron later asks Jordan on a date)
Fin (the end).
oh, and the date was great!
In addition...
I was discussing this particular incident with said boy, and remembered his little humorous addition to the story, which is as follows...
We were starved, and cold cereal made sense, so we all met at Aaron's to devour bowls of peanut butter crunch and celebrate our friend's Album Release (Fictionist- Invisible Hand). We stayed up talking about not so important things, at least nothing important enough for me to remember, and was getting to that time for me to make my way from Provo to Salt Lake (an hour commute). Aaron got my number insisting, "I can text you while you drive so you will stay awake." It was sort of sweet, but I never received a text, and I remember thinking, "he never texted me" as I feel asleep in my very own bed.
What really happened...
Aaron, who just so happened to have two people who go by the name of Jordan in his phone, began texted the this "other" Jordan.
Aaron had said something along the lines of: So, I really just wanted to get your number so I could ask you on out sometime.
Real Jordan: did not respond because she never got the text message
"Other" Jordan: responded hours later when the sun was actually awake and said something in confusion within the grounds of keeping Aaron thinking it was the real Jordan.
Aaron then proceeded to respond with something witty and cute to make Jordan laugh...
"Other" Jordan: did not respond for a few hours once again
Aaron responded to Jordan half halfheartedly because the conversation left him feeling Jordan was disinterested and not sure what to say...THEN SUDDENLY, Aaron realizes this may not be the girl Jordan he had cold cereal with while keeping her toes warm. So he asked "Other" Jordan if this was in fact the girl, Jordan with whom he had cold cereal with while keeping her toes warm?
"Other" Jordan: Affirmed it was indeed, NOT, the Jordan he had eaten cold cereal with while keeping her toes warm. It was his former roommate, Jordan, who was falling for Aaron in his witty banter through phone texts, making him laugh and feel happy inside.
Aaron upon discovering this was NOT the right Jordan: So, how did I do at least?
"Other" Jordan: I would date you.
Aaron: After breathing a sigh of relief then proceeded to text the right Jordan and told her he was sorry for not texting her last night, making sure she made it to her very own bed in safety, but had a very funny story to tell her.
Real Jordan: laughed as Aaron told her this story, it made her happy from her head to her toes!