
The Truth did two skate and BMX competitions in Price and Moab last weekend, and I was fortunate enough to help out with the two events. We teamed up with Zagg (invisible shield) and Arcade Magazine (local zine in Salt Lake City emphasizing skate and snowboarding). With our powers combined we passed out a lot of free product and a lot of kids had a really good time. People in the community were grateful for a positive, free event.

Jaylyn, my little homie, he brought me a popsicle from the icecream truck, cutie!

We passed out a bunch of free helmets to the kids and Jaylyn is sporting one of them. Most of the kids did not have helmets or preferred to not wear one if they did; by the end of the event, the kids were stoked on the helmets and all of the competitors wore one for the competition. Before the event started one the smaller kids, Isaiah, fell off his bike and hit his head extremely hard on the concrete, he had huge goose egg, and most likely a concussion. I had to carry him off the park because he was to unstable to walk off. We gave him a free helmet before he left!

The little homies with their new helmets getting ready for their heat.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

wow that looks like a lot of fun!!! except for that part about the little guy getting a concussion! at least he got a free helmet too before he left- it looks like he's the one that could really use one